Tunisians make up fewer than of the country into Europe. But as we saw their anguish was no less intense. As we pulled alongside their vessel one Tunisian man stood up and began threatening to throw his young daughter overboard for which he was later arrested. Another screamed this was his fourth attempt. Its as if Im already dead he cried out. As we disembarked for the final time and began driving away from.
The port dozens of migrants were walking along the side of the road after being released by the coast guard. We will probably spend the night here in these olive groves said Abubakr Mobile App Development Service from Ivory Coast. And then we will try again said another young man. Asked if they were afraid of dying while trying to cross a Sudanese man Adel Adbullah said I fled from war. I dont think I will see any worse at sea than I already have. I have nothing to lose.
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