A to order. Art. . The Commission prepares the draft order in order to grant the title of business incubator and proposes it for signature to the head of the central public authority with attributions in the field of small and mediumsized enterprises and the business environment according to the provisions of art. para. and from annex no. to the order and completes the title of business incubator provided in annex no. to order. Art. . The commission transmits the title of business incubator to the applicant according to the provisions of art. para. from annex no. to order. Art.
The commission notes the termination of the validity Country Email List of the title of business incubator according to the situations provided for in art. of annex no. to order. Art. .the validity of the title of business incubator and proposes it for signature to the head of the central public administration authority with attributions in the field of small and mediumsized enterprises and the business environment according to the provisions of art. of annex no. to order. Art. . The commission finds the need to cancel the title of business incubator as a result of the monitoring visit according to the provisions of art. of annex no. to order. Art.
The commission prepares the draft order canceling the title of business incubator and proposes it for signature to the head of the central public administration authority with enterprises and the business environment according to the provisions of art. of annex no. to order. Art. . The commission informs the beneficiaries of the business incubator title in case of cancellation of the business incubator title within days from the date of issuing the order in question. Art. . After the establishment of the Commission it will create its operational procedure in which other.